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  • Writer's pictureMatthew Johnston

Spring Cleaning Keeps Your Home Pest Free

As the flowers begin to bloom and the weather starts to warm, homeowners will start to make to-do lists to help them tackle their spring cleaning. While dusting and sweeping most common, our spring cleaning advice is for homeowners to make sure to also incorporate proper pest-proofing into their deep clean during the spring.

As you start spring cleaning for a pest-free home, it is easy to feel overwhelmed. Where should you start? How can you ensure that pests do not find their way into your safe space? Don’t worry; we’re here to guide you. Below are a few tips you should to follow:

Keep your kitchen clean:

Wipe down all counter tops. Pests are attracted to anything sticky and sweet. It’s important to consistently wipe all countertops after eating to avoid bugs from coming into the kitchen. Take out the garbage regularly. This may seem like common sense, but taking out the garbage regularly helps with pest control.

Pests gravitate toward smelly objects

and food, so taking the garbage out every day will make a huge difference. Lastly, when cooking and eating, you should always wash and put away dishes immediately. Having dishes pile up and sit out for a while allows time for bugs to come invade.

Store food in sealed containers:

Again, bugs LOVE food. The best way to keep them out of your pantry is to purchase tightly sealed containers and keep your food away up off the floor and on shelves. This will ensure that there’s no way for pests to enter and nibble on your tasty treats!

Keep up with lawn care:

Outside care is just as important as inside care for pest control. Keep debris, such as branches, and firewood away from your home and roof to avoid pests from being able to crawl inside. You may already be planning your flowerpots and lawn-mowing schedule for the spring, but don’t forget to clean up any leftover winter leaves or debris, too.

It’s also important to reconsider mulch, especially in close proximity to your house; it traps moisture and you guessed it—pests, which may find a way inside your home. Another tip for your yard is to make sure your tree limbs are trimmed back, not touching your home. A long limb touching a window or your roof, for example, could easily serve as a roadway for a pest to crawl right into your home.

Seal cracks, gaps and crevices:

Pests of all kinds can make their way into your home through the smallest gaps and cracks – particularly near windows, doors, and roof lines or around electrical wiring and vents. These should be sealed to prevent pests from getting in.

Eliminating potential pest entry points into your home is the best defense you can take to prevent an indoor infestation. Plus, sealing your home can have other benefits like reducing energy costs, preventing water damage, and making your home more secure.

Contact Bug Shockers to schedule a preventative general pest control treatment today!

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